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8 24 Hurt Building Atl a n ta , G e org i a 3030 3 T e l ephone 523-6074 Mr. Peter P. OU eociate Dean, Executiv ProP"UIJ tte tnst1t\1te ot Technology Massa Alfred P. SloeA School or llllll!flKau:s11t 50 Memorial. DriTO· C&mbridge, H&lieac:,mH»tta 02139 Dear Psterl I to upreu IQ' a ctaticm tor the 8Ullllll8r7 evaluatiozl ot tbe 2nd K. I.T. Progr tor Urban kecuti and ,g roup photograph received earlier. I haw Sflllt a cow ot the program eval tion to Dan t ( ~ promted to Chiet Administrative Ott:loer tor tba CiV of Atlanta) NCO · 1ng AtJ.ant&'• continued partic1pat10A 1n the Urban ut1 Prop-am. HT tour-week atq at M. I . T. the moet ·cbal.le 1ng awl reward1 experi ~ q 11.te. I preseatq ilrf0.1:ved vitb. Prof, r Don Kalle, ot tbe Oeorgla Institute ot Teclllaloa in naluating the Hou 1ng A.utbor1tq's mr:l~tmlftlt, process. pro to eatabl.1 h a allia«t!111181:l't expll,Ullll,l;il, ht 1sno bl Atlaftta '• Hoclel Cities !ho n. utead to Po.111' krb -., s1Dce,rut via.bee tar a speedy' NCOftl7. 1011 aig~ IIIDJOT tbe attached exa9"1 e ot "relevance. " KalQ" tbaaka to ,ou tcr yo coQt:!QUed mterut. 1n a gratetul. graduate ot tbl M.I.! . Pro tor Ul1,en kecUtift8 e a Dan �