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M. EDW I N L . STER NE B . S AT T ERFIELD E X ECUTI V E DIRECTOR AN D SECRET A R Y CHA IRMA N LES T ER H . PERSELLS GEORGE S. CRAFT AS S O C IA TE EXE CUT .IVE D ! R E CT OR V ICE C HA IR MAN C A RL TON GARRETT DIR E CT O R J. OF FINANCE GILBERT H . BOGGS B . BLAYTON DIRECTOR OF HOU S ING FRANK G. ETHERIDGE HOWARD OPENSHAW DIRECTOR JACK F. GLENN 82 4 HU R T BU I LDING ATLANTA , GEORG IA 30303 JACKSON OF REDE VE LOP M ENT GEORGE R . SA NDER T EC HN ICAL DIRECTOR 3-6074 May 2 , 1969. Hon or able I van Allen, Jr. Mayor 101 Cit y Hal l Atl a nt a, Georgi a 30303 De a r Mayo r Allen: En clo sed f or your informa tion i s a lis t of the Pr o je c t Area Commi t tee for t h e Edg e wood Ne i ghbo r hood De v elopment Program Area, f ormerly designa t e d the East At lan t a NDP Area by resolution of the Bo ar d of Alderme n, dated De c ember 2, 1968. This Committee, e l e c ted by residents of the NDP Area, enthusiastically supp orts the Neighborhood De velopment Program and have pledged their c ooperation to utilize this Program to improve the c onditi ons of their area. The Atlanta Housing Authority has leased a project office i n the neart of the area at 198 Hutchinson Street. Mr. Curtis Parrish, the Project Manager, has established a good rapport with the Committee and h a s been invited to spe a k at many of the churches in the area. The Project Area Committee has approved Adley Associates as planning consultants, a nd they are presently preparing data on existing l and use a n d structural conditions. The Ho u s i n g Autho r i t y, in an effort to make t he program more r e sponsi ve to t he n e e d s of the p eopl e, h as pledge d that the Pro je ct Area Commi tt ee will part i c i pate i n the fo rmation a nd exe cution of t he pl a ns for t he are a a nd tha t are a residents will be kept fully info rme d . The Project Area Committe e has been particularly pleased to have been involve d fr om the very b e ginning and to have a voic e in decisions affe cting their ar e a. We are pleased with the attitude of the Committee and the �-2- progress to date in the Edgewood NDP Area. Very truly yours, ~ ~ d / ~~£(<_~,t,Y ?.e Howard Openshaw Director of Redevelopment ' HO:pc Enclosure cc: Mr. Rodney M. Cook Mr. Charles Turner, Chairman PAC Mr. Curtis Parrish �