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S eptem b e r 20 , 1968 M r . Don Hummel ,Ass i s t ant Se creta r y fo r R enewal and Hou sin g Assistanc e Depa r tment of Housing and Urban Development 451 Sev e nth Str eet, S . W . Room 9100 Washington , D . C . 20410 Subje c t ; Reques t fo r Approval - Proje ct GA . R -101 Bedford Pine U r b an Redevelopment Area Dear Mr . Hununel : Thesabove proj ect is in an area of acute raci 1 tensions . The Part I for this project has been submitted , a.nd we have been waiting for approval for a c onsiderabl e length of time . Public He rings h ve been held and the Part II submittal will be made immediat ly after approval of the Part 1. The new Housing Act gives Atlanta an opportunity to convert this project to the new p:ttogram entitled Neighborhood Development Progr m. We wish to make this conv · rsion at the rlieet poesibl dat , which we stim te to be within approxim t ly three to four months. Pending such conversion , how ver,. it 1s important to Atlanta that this proj ct be approv d as pr a ntly constituted immediately. without the del y necessary to convert it. Any st ps you c n tak · in view of the foregoing which would result in e rly pprov 1 o! this project would be greatly ppreciated. Sincerely yours. Iv n All n, Jr. Mayor IAJr:fy •- - .. �