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82 4 Hurt Building Atla nta , G eor g i a 3 0 3 0 3 T e l epho n e 5 23-60 74 September 6, 1968 The Hone>rable Ivan Allen, Jr. ~or City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Subject: Bedford Pine UR Redevel opment Project Dear Mayor Allen: As waa stated in our Conference, this project area, sometimes called Buttermilk Bottoms, contains some of the worst housing in Atlanta. Much of the worst housing was removed in clearing the l and for t he relief sewer and the City Auditorium. The condition of the remainder has been aggravated by the long period of waiting for Federal approval to execute the Project. In an effort to give some relief, the following actions have been taken: (1) The Housing Ccxle Department, worldng with our Project employ-ees, have made and are making inspections of the buildings which appear to be in the wort condition. (2) As complaints are received from tenants,or representatives of tenants, the structures in which they 11ve are also inspected. (3) The Housing Code Enforcement Department notifiesthe owner of the work which must be performed in order to correct those conditions which ar an immediate threat to health or safety. Our Project employees go to the owners and attempt to persuade them to make the corrections immediate:cy-. This approach is achieving a large measure of su.cceas. (4) In those cases where the owner will not correct the conditixms, the structure is placarded and the own r is ask d to vacate t.he building and board it up. ��