Box 5, Folder 3, Document 29

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REQUIREMENT. The Workable Program requires clear evidence that the community provides and continues to
e expand, opportunities for citizens, especially those who are poor and members of minority
groups, to participate in all phases of the related HUD-assisted renewal and housing pro-
grams. The particular organizational means for community involvement is left to the disere-
tion of cach community, but the community must demonstrate in its Workable Program submis-
.sion that it provides clear and direct access to decision making, relevant and timely informa-
tion, and necessary technical assistance to participating groups and individuals in programs
covered. :

1. (a) Identify the groups participating in the HUD-agsisted programs related to the Workable Program and in
the community’s program to expand the supply of low- and moderate-income housing.

(1) Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal (Encl. 1)

There are three major functions of the Citizen's Advisory
Committee for Urban Renewal which are directly related to Atlanta's
Workable Program and to the community's program to expand the supply
of low and moderate income housing: 1 ao dont

The first of these three functions, informational services,
constitutes a dynamic informational clearinghouse operation based on
the receipt of general and technical information from various speakers
at CACUR meetings. This information is then passed on to a large’ body
of community organizations and leaders ‘through "The Renewer", the officia:
newSletter of CACUR. The July 1968, newSletter related comments by
Cecil Alexander, Housing Resources Committee Chairman to CACUR Executive
Committee, pointing out that a "Real Need for Low Income Housing is Seen
in All Sections of Atlanta." (Continued on page 18a.) am

(b) Describe the type of groups (e.g. civic, neighborhood, housing) that are participating, and the constit-
uency represented (e.g. poor, middle-class, Negro, public housing residents).

Re 1 (a) above.

(1) Generally selected from prominent leading citizens in Atlanta,
both White and Negro, in business, education, religious and civic fields.

U. R. Project Committees - appointed by the Housing Authority
from residents, property owners and businessmen of the area.

PAC Committee - Residents of area, both White and Negro,
elected by citizens of the particular area. i ;

West End Businessmen's Association - Composed of prominent
businessmen in South-West Atlanta (mostly White) interested primarily
in the future of the West End Urban Renewal Project,

(Continued on page 18b.)

© 18-

(Continued from 1. (a) on page 18)

Secondly, CACUR members act as program analysts by reviewing
and commenting on many of the existing and new programs which are of
interest to the Committee and the community as a whole. Feedback
from the Committee to the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Housing Authority
and responsible federal agencies provides an excellent opportunity
for these agencies to "feel the pulse” of the community.

The third function of CACUR which is of particular interest here
is citizen participation. This function is overlapping in that it is
the one function universally inherent in all committee efforts. Recently,
during an Aldermanic Planning and Development Committee meeting, one
Alderman pointed out a "stalemate" situation in the citizen participation
aspects of the NASH-BANS (Vine City) neighborhood. The CACUR Director
volunteered the services of CACUR to help with that problem by establish-
ing an associate advisory committee, as had been done in two past urban
renewal projects. Since that time, CACUR members, especially President -
Noah Langdale, Jr., have worked diligently to contribute to the develop-~-
ment of the PAC Committee in Vine City. These are but three major
functions of CACUR producing a host of activities related to the effect-
ive planning and development of a Workable Program and public and private
housing program aimed at creating a viable community.

a. Project Committee for each Urban Renewal Project
b. PAC Committee for each NDP area
c. West End Businessmen's Association
(Each of these has a designated representative
for liaison with CACUR.)

(2) Housing Resources Committee - Mayor's Office (Encl. 2)

With eight Working Panels (Subcommittees)

The HRC is charged with promoting and coordinating
the Low-income Housing Program within the City
Limits of Atlanta. It is not a planning agency.

For specific Functions of HRC, see attached. (Encl. 3)

The members all serve without compensation,

(3) Model Cities Executive Board (Consists of 7 members appointed

by the Mayor, including 2 members of the Board of Aldermen, and a_.
representative elected by the citizens in each of the six Model Cities

Neighborhoods; Mayor is Chairman) (Encl. 4)

Six Neighborhood Committees elected by citizens
of each Neighborhood in the Model Cities area.

(4) Public Housing Project Committees - selected by residents from
residents of each major Pubiic Housing Project.

(5) Urban Observatory

The January 1, 1969 issue of the Atlanta Journal referred to the
Urban Observatory with headline reading "Atlanta: Biggest College Lab
in Georgia". That headline succinctly sums up the concept of the Urban
Observatory. The basic purpose of the Urban Observatory in Atlanta is
(Continued on page 18b.)


(Continued from 1. (a) on page 18a.)

to liberate the academic resources of the city so that they may study
and analyze urban problems in such a way that their work can be of
direct value to the public officials of the metropolitan area. The
Observatory is designed to foster a partnership between the public
officials of the metropolitan area, especially the Mayor of Atlanta,
and local colleges and universities. This kind of a partnership can
provide a tremendous potential to meet the serious problems of Atlanta
with innovative and practical approaches to solutions. The guidance
for the Urban Observatory will come from an advisory council which is
made up of public officials representing the various governments in
the metropolitan area. This council will be especially responsible
for the progress of the Observatory. The two major administrative
positions in the Observatory organization consist of the Director of
the Urban Observatory to be housed in the Urban Life Department at
Georgia State College, and City Urban Observatory Coordinator to be
housed in the office of the Mayor of Atlanta. One oi the baSic
functional aspects of the Urban Observatory concept is research. Two
priority research and development programs for the Observatory during
its first year of operation will be housing and citizen participation
in community projects. It was the opinion of those responsible for
the operation of the Observatories, located in six cities throughout
the United States, that citizen participation is a key issue in the
development of sound community rehabilitation programs. The research -
for the Observatory will be conducted by the faculties of the participat-
ing schools. Inter-university research teams, interdisciplinary in
makeup, will use dynamic data banks to facilitate and expedite their
research, The ObServatory concept may well be the key to unlock that
door which has too long held back insights into the solution of major
urban problems,

(Continued from 1 (b) on page 18)

(2) Nominated by Chairman and Co-Chairmen (and appointed by the
Mayor) primarily from leaders in the Community (approximately 50-50
White and Negro) who have exhibited talents for and interest in the
functions of the particular Panel on which they serve,

(3) Explained in 1 (a), (3) above,

(4) Explained in 1 (a), (4) above.

(c) Describe what particular []UD-assisted programs and projects such groups are participating in.
Re 1 (a) above.
(a) Urban Renewal, Public Housing in Urban Renewal projects
3 3

Federal assisted rehabilitation (FHA Section 115 Grants and Section
312 Loans), 221 (h), Model Cities and NDP area projects. ‘

(2) All Federal assisted housing programs, as related to the
particular group.
(3) Model Cities program - all phases.
(4) Low Rent Public Housing.
or F
(a) Describe efforts to achieve coordination among citizen participation structures located i in the same area

or having EL program interests. att



Mass meetings called of residents and property owners of
areas affected and applicable programs are explained. Nominating
committees are usually appointed and subsequent meetings held to
elect representatives. In some instances, such aS Model Cities,
' regular conventions have been held. In other areas for example,
Vine City, coordination and progress has been virtually impossible
until most recently, due to disruptive practices of habitual
protestors, some of whom reside outside the area, but who have
deliberately tried to disrupt all meetings and prohibit any progress. -

219 -:


, (11-68)
2. Describe the arrangements or working relationships set up to provide groups and individuals opportunities
for access to and participation in decision-making in the applicable HUD-assisted programs.

Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Civic Association and
Service Club meetings are announced, publicized and advertised, when
required by law. Any citizen may be heard and all are encouraged to
attend meetings and make their views known. Inclusion of neighborhood
selected representatives in project committees, Refusal of. City
officials to establish policies and make decisions without: first
giving local residents an opportunity to be heard and to participate
in matters which are of general interest to them. Attendance of
appropriate knowledgeable City representatives at such meetings.

The Housing Authority Commission members have been holding
meetings at night in respective Public Housing projects to hear com-
‘plaints and recommendations of Public Housing residents for improving
morale and participating in policy making in administration of Public
Housing projects. (Continued on page 20a.)

3. Describe the steps which have been taken in regard to the applicable programs to provide particlpaling
groups and individuals sufficient information and technical assistance.

Repeat meetings in all affected areas; explanations’by...
competent representatives of appropriate City Departments to neigh-
borhood residents, civic groups and service clubs serving the areas
affected and inviting their ideas, suggestions and active participation.
Typical example of efforts being made to provide information and
technical assistance through the local PAC ‘orgranization is illustrated
in attached pamphlets, "Edgewood in Aé€tion" and "Bedford-Pine Community
NewSletter" (Encl. 6). Typical efforts being made to inform other
interested groups on Urban Renewal, through special tours and
presentations, is illustrated by attached communication, (Encl. a)

In addition, the full membership of the Citizens Advteesy
Committee for Urban Renewal meets quarterly and the Executive Committee
meets monthly and as needed to review the overall Urban Renewal
(Continued on page 20a.)

4. Describe the nature and range of issues relating to the applicable programs with which participating groups
and individuals have dealt; the recommendations subsequently made; and the specific results and accom-
plishments of the participation.

All phases and activites of Model Cities, with special effort‘
not to make decisions on any phase of the numerous activities, without
first presenting the matters to neighborhood committees and getting
action of the Executive Board. This is highly democratic but is time
consuming and does not promote speed and efficiency in BEBOP ARSREOR 3
(Continued on page 20a.)

= 20 -


(Continued from 2. on page 20)

For overall approach of Atlanta's efforts and specific

steps taken to increase communications between neighborhoods and

City Hall, to acquaint neighborhoods with the city's services and

to encourage persons in low income neighborhoods to bring their
problems to attention of proper officials and to provide them the
opportunity of participating in decision making in applicable HUD
assisted programs, see attached pamphlet, "City Hall and Neighorhood
Residents - the Atlanta approach - experience report 110", (Encl. 5).

— ee ee ee es eee ee ee ee

(Continued from 3. on page 20)

Program, receive timely reports and explanations from experts in
the various applicable programs and projects pertaining to Urban
Renewal and to initiate and follow through on action appropriate
for citizen participation in the various elements of Urban Renewal.

(Continued from 4. on page 20)

In Urban Renewal Projects and NDP areas, recommendations of
local representative groups are habitually sought and considered
in most policy determinations,

In zoning matters pertaining to many HUD assisted programs
and projects the majority voice of citizens of the area is normally
adhered to, so much so that rezoning to accomodate HUD assisted
housing projects has been severly curtailed, to the extent of
seriously threatening accomplishments of the low income housing
program, to meet current and future needs.

——S SS S SS Se SSS See ee

NOTE: (a) The requirement in HUD's letter of October 15, 1968,

to Mayor Allen indicating certain deficiencies for correction during
the recertification period, under Citizen Participation, that
"Minutes of meetings of the Subcommittee on Minority Housing, should
be forwarded with the next request for recertification" is not
considered applicable now in view of the intensive and highly
organized and completely integrated citizen participation in all
phases of the Model Cities program, and the increase emphasis on
active participation by U. R. and Project Area Committees in all
Phases of other HUD assisted program activities.

(b) The creation of CACUR, during the early days of Urban
Renewal and the FHA 221 d(2) program in Atlanta, completely changed
the climate in Atlanta from definite hostility to one of comprehension,
generally favorable acceptance and cooperation. The continued
activity of this influential and representative group in the Urban
(Contined on page 20b.)

(Continued from NOTE on page 20a.)

Renewal program has been very instrumental in maintaining a favor-
able climate in Atlanta for Federal assisted programs.

(c) The creation of the Housing Resources Committee, November
15, 1966, at a critical period in the early stages of Atlanta's
accelerated low and moderate income housing program, has resulted in
getting the City's entire announced goal of 16,800 units for a
five year program, in the pipe line within the first 2% years of
the program as follows:

Completed 4,839 units
Under Construction 7,256 units
In Planning 7,903 “units
Total In Sight . S ipeoen: outers

Plus Leasing Program for Public Housing 1,015 units

GRAND TOTAL 21,013 units

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