Box 5, Folder 3, Document 42

Dublin Core

Text Item Type Metadata


OWNER nang



Ail paints snail be a goog grat: sade by a nationally advertised manufacturer

and shail meet Federal speci: .
Colors snall be ze:eeted ty
Surfaces shail to prepared Por palcting by scraping, wire brushing to remove
", ‘last, mildew, etc. Caulking material
v1 ded kefcre final coats of paint.
iing, fillicg and applying 1 ccat primer
nt with a smcoth surface, plaster cracks

‘ho Gants taped and cemert applied 3 tines,

ing ail decayed or breken components,

atpiying potty, according to the marutacturers

snail include replacing all deteriorated

tuvindes replacing deteriorated cerlings,

rg existing pis ty f pracirg one or more plumbing Fixtures
tied TO dnelude anys siiilcaticgns, additions or replacements to
rosystem, wnich shal. r= oriwred ty the plumbing inspector of the City
nme inereace ii }re contract price.
replacing electy. 4: tixtures or providing additionai wall
be construe: © include any modification, replacement of
rewiring. which shal: be order: v; the electrical inspector of the City of
Atlanta, at ne increase in the - .razt price.
Any deviation from the contract :: materials or methods shall. te approved
by the atlanta Hoising Actnorit, «. 1 the property .uner.
, additioral improvements whirl wre not covered by the mntract, and are
pala for by the property .1-7, must be in writing and approved by the
Huusing Authority.
Treat fey termites, rodents anda ! <ther vermin infestation and furnish rerewatle
termite certifi.ate from state apy roved extermination service without clause

Wswmer agrees to pay for initial briatment'.

AZo) Tais centract:is subject te items 5, 62, 8, 9, We LL ef the Terns ond
ae. z . d . +
Camfitdess Federal Rehabilitation Loan undar section 312 ef the Fousiag
Act of 196k, as amended. jd
‘ “Be _The contract consists of the bid and proposal, the sevenal Gaaditions, the
apecifications, the work write-up, incorporated therein by reference and
identified by name and address of owner, and the drawings (if ny) identified
by property location and name of proparty owner or owners.
ik. For the considerations named therein, the contractor proposes to furnish -

all the materzal and co ali of the work dsseribed in, and in accordance

with, the cortract identified above in Item 13 of the general cenditions

for the lump-sum price of € 6
Contractor Acce ine by curer
ree aaa iene aetacenieal A seidaiseerienereree


Name of comuractcr

Name of owner's}

Signature of cortractor Signature of owners)

~ oa

Acdress ol contractor

Address of owreris)


Date of propesai ard bid SeDLAnce

Notorigaticn of acknowlLeogement Notvorization cf acknowledgement

Nae Te

Fs Te i i ad


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