Box 8, Folder 17, Document 13

Dublin Core

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Southern Railway's plans to expand its South Yard, and
thereny to displace from 109 to 150 families, caused Atlanta's
Mode! Cities Executive Board to react with concern Tuesday,

i i es

The Model Cities board voted
to ask Southern to delay its ex-
pansion pregram unalil it has dis-
cussed ils plans and alternatives
with city officials.

The board’s concern, in large
part, was that Southern will be
upreoling so many families al
the same time hundreds of
others are being displaced by
the city, -

Bul the board also veleed dis-
pleasure that expansion of
Soulhern's yard will take a
four-vcre bile out of city-owned
Pillman Park and will mean
certain streets will be dead-

Officials complained that they
had not learned of Southern's
expansion activities until 10
days ago, aithough at Isast one
cily official-—Alderiman Chariie
Leftwich -- knew of them for
some time.

OFFICIALS said Southern had
discussed with Leftwich the pos:
sibility of working a trade in
Which the city would swap the
Pilman Park acreage for
Soulher-owned land at anather

‘Officials of the railway had
not immediate reaction to the
Model Cities board request that
expansion of the South Yatd he

A Spokesman for Southern

General Manager Hf. Rh. Moores

said there would be no re-
sponse by the railroad unlil
Moore returas from an out-ol-
flown trip ‘Mhursday.

According to city officials,

the South Yard expaasion is to)"

provide sidings for storage of

lhe huge rallway cars which |:

are used lo transfer newly man.
ufactured automobiles,
Southern possesses the power
of emincnt Jommein which means
that, like the cily or oiher gov.

-fernments, if can acquire prop-

erties’ it wents through con-

.| demnation,
The concern of Madet Cities |!

Officials arises from the faci
the expansion is occurring wit Hh.

"lin the city’s 3,000 acre Biola

Cilics area ala time when a

‘}major public program. to im-

prove that area is under way,



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