Box 1, Folder 15, Document 35

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CITY HALL ATLantTA, Ga. 30203

Tel. 522.4463 Area Code 404

June 29, 1966

R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison


Myr. Joseph Jacobs, Attorney

Wigwam Building

160 Central Avenue, S. W. .
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Jacobs:

have your letter of June 15. Though I have not been with the
City during the whole of the twenty year period you refer to in
your letter, my information is that the American Federation
oi State, County and Municipal Employees has had a pleasant
relationship with the City for a long time and a number of the
City employees are members..

) rH

The resolving of differences between the City and its employees
has not been difficult in the past. The Mayor and Board of
Aldermen have always been sympathetic to the salary needs

of City employees, as well as to hours, working conditions and
other employee benefits.

Iam sure you agree that we have made much progress in all
areas. The ever present problem of raising sufficient income
from public sources to enable the City to pay our employees
what we would really like and what they deserve will always be
with us.

With the continued cooperation of the City employees and

AFSC & ME, AFL-CIO, I am sure we can always make progress.

We shall be pleased to continue to work as we have in the past
fjith AFSC & ME, AFL-CIO,

The Civil Service Act is in effect a strong contract between the
employees and the City government, the terms of which are

Mr. Jacobs
Page Two
June 29, 1966

spelled out inlaw. Wages, hours, employee benefits, including
vacation, sickieave, life insurance, hospitalization insurance
and retirement, are set forth in the City Charter or City
ordinances adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen under
the procedures established by law.
li is my understanding that the Personnel Board and the Personnel
‘ector always have been available to meet with the union's
resentatives and to receive information concerning employee
efits. ne assure me that their relations with representatives
-AFSC & ME, AFL-CIO, always have been most cordial and
that they will continue to be available to discuss with these
sentatives any problems that arise in connection with
imployees and any employee benefits proposed,

I am sure that the City Personnel Director, Carl Sutherland,
will be glad to work with you in the establishment of an orderly
procedure to be followed. ;
The City prefers for the unions to speak for their members in
raking known to City officials iheir desires, suggestions and
aspirations for the City and their work with it. This information
is invaluable in enabling us to intelligently seek to improve the
condition of our employees and to go to the public with the
proper arguments in favor of increased taxation which continues
as you know to be the source of municipal income.

The City Personnel Department is the City's agency for such
matters. Of course, the Personnel Board's recommendations
will come to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen in matters
involving pay and hours of work.

Mr. Jacobs
Page Three
June 29, 1966

iate very much your letter and hope that this reply makes
y clear to you the policy of the City.


ivan Allen, Jr.

TAT rifty

cc: Personnel Board
General Carl Sutherland
Mr. Henry Bowden

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