Box 17, Folder 13, Document 4

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o To Report ‘On White House Confefencdé”

Le ace, day, July 22, 7 pm, at Stouffeur’s, public is invited, Res enue si for ton Hiffman, Couneil,.chairman

PAbernathy, Restaurants:Hearth Room (Feach-| the dinner ($2.40) Pant he de by | said, “Fi ures. ‘ided the U:S.

i oe eollowell, ele | ec eal calling the office’ of the Teater msus mireau show me following

Other Atlantans who attended) Atlanta Council on Human Rela- cbnditions of Atlanta Nez oes as

the conferences called by President | tions 523-1581. compared wit! : f Ne-

iio terete aan, | Semmedy have been invited to at-| “In spite of the progress made in | 8F0es throughout, the country as

Col "Haman Rela M. a| tend the meetings and participate] Atlanta, Negro citizens still have far | Teported by the President in ‘his
rae ons, Mon-! in the informal sce sone) pine less ee for SUCCESS, ” Mrs. Clif-! radio and television speech:


like other

An Atlanta Negr 0,

eer tS,

pleting eollewer 1 of earning 000 a’
ae < has half as much| ande@ne-fourth instead Of

ming unemployed | third eo
{as cOmpared to twice as much a ae

chance ‘on the national scene) but | white’ citizens in Atlanta or, becom
he has only one-thirtieth,

The Atlanta Junior Chamber of

Commerce has voted to oppose all instead | ing a professional man.”

of President Kennedy's current civ- . . Ss i

il rights legislation but made it:
clear it would continue to support
what it called “all justified de-
mands for equal opportunity for all

Of the public accomodations bill
the chamber said it denies the has-
ic principles of free enterprise for-
bidding a business man from choos-
ing his own customers. To diseri-
minate on color, raze, or any otier
reason are issues of moral and busi-
ness judzement to be left up to the
individual, said the chamber in a
two-page statement released this

The Junior Chamber of Com-
merce also paid local legislation

er age and enforced

of rights
ed Sty pass-

bill if itebecomes fa JM) rpplied
a 18 bill is pi sed in ‘pres-
vent it dybuld s all

Sen. Talmadge...;'
Speaks Again WY
Rights Bills

Herman E, Talmadge, D-Ga. said
Thursday that enactment of Pres-
ident Kennedy’s civil rights pro-
gram would produce “terror
throughout the land” and require
federal trocps for its enforcement
because it would create a “police

He said that if the President's
omnibus civil rights bill comes be-
fore the \Senate in its present
form “all who cherish our system
of government will resist it.” But
he said “no plans” had n made
for a Southern fillouster. Talmadge,
appearing on a radio program
CRS Capitol Cloakyoo1
if the South woud

pele of” oe Soutrewre law-abid-
ing-they abide Pe law as they
see it... but if © wapeop
have got. o associate

they don't want to associ with,

mn F&F

throughout the lancd, and
require force to enforce,”
Taimadge also said it is doubt-
ful that action ean be completed
this year on a tax reduction bill.
He said the civil rights proposals
“greatly complicate” the likelihood |
of tax action.
Similarly, he said he was “not
em about passing a cotton
il a”
_ Although President Kennedy has
“lost considerable popularity” in
Rie and the South, he said,
litical trends change rapidly”
ind if would be foolhardy to pre-
lict the situation in 1964.

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