Box 17, Folder 14, Document 60

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Capital March
Rights Votes

ington by Negro, demonstrators
slated for Aug. 28 might cause
“uncommitted legislators to turn
against the President's civil
bill, Representative
L. Celler,
House Judiciary Committee, de-
clared yesterday.

' The Brooklyn Democrat ap-
peared on “Direct, Line,” an
NBC television program.

Mr. Celler said the demon-
stration would not affect his
own vote for the measure. How-
ever, he said he hoped integra-
tion leaders would recognize
that there were neutrals in
‘Congress who resented what
they consider “pressure, bludg-
eoning and coercion.” ,

In effect, he continued, the
‘demonstration might actually
‘cause the loss of favorable

For example, he said, one
Western Senator has told him,
‘“I'm for civil rights — but if
‘they stage it [the march] I’m
going to vote against it ]the

Mr. Celler said. he hoped
“better counsel will prevail to
-cause the leaders to reconsider
holding the march.

Riot Is Feared
aa July 14 (AP)
Re} ve James A.
y ed concern today

on Washington


the spark which!

d touch off an ugly, blood-
letting riot, accompanied per-
haps by killings.”

chairman of the

Despite Its Effor


No city government in the
country has ‘exceeded New
York's in efforts to be sympa-
thetic and helpful on the prob-
lems of Negroes, Puerto Ricans
and other minorities.

In spite of this record, the
Wagner administration is beset
on all sides with rising demands
to do even more to assure

equality. These
pressures, capped
News by many demon-
Analysis strations, focus on
F furthering integra-
tion in the schools,
opening jobs—particularly in
the construction field—sharp-
ening civil rights machinery
and winning more policy-mak-
ing posts in government.
Demonstrations have been
sponsored by organizations}
ranging from long-established
groups suchas the National
Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People and the
Urban League, which had be-
come almost sedate in their
march forward, to newer,
brasher groups. ‘like .the Con-
gress of Racial Equality,
The emergence of CORE,
with its aggressive veeeone
meant from the outset to
formed that the N.A.A.C. Pp et
the Urban League would
“either be pushed into the back-
ound or be pushed to the
orefront.” Developments took
the second course,

Caught by Surprise
The Wagner administration
Was caught by surprise. It had

was good and because year aft-
er year it had the overwhelm-
ing support of Negroes and
¢ ‘icans at the polls,
feeling was that it
appen here, In Birm-
ingham es, Put not here, —
ut it aid happen here, and
the administration, stunned at
first, is still floundering.
Picketing used to be sharply
restricted at City Hall and else-

or minority groups were in-

with marching with
cades around the pai
City Hall Plaza. —

x or nearly a week now)


e in-|funds,

felt secure because its record)

here whether unions, taxpayer |j;

New York I Is ‘oi


lem Hospital annex; construc-
tion has been halted for weeks
on just this issue.

The application of a Negro
couple to have their son trans-
ferred to a high school out of
his neighborhood was denied by
schoo] authorities, who later
reversed themselves on the
basis of a medical report show-
ing the boy had bronchial asth-
ma. It was said the boy would
be less subject to emotional)
stress in a school with fewer

With the Mayor away, charges
of discrimination made against
Deputy Commerce Commission-|
er Anne M. Kelly were ordered]:
heard by a retired Federal)
judge. When the Mayor re-||
turned, the order was counter-|;
manded and the case was turn-
ed over to the City Commission
on Human Rights.

A call for ue overhaul andl
strengthening the City]
Commission on vanan Rights!
came shortly after its staff was
cut and the remaining employes),
were given raises. y Y

Council President Paul R.
Screvane has proposed barring},
the investment of city pension)
totaling more than}
$3,400,000,000 in securities of],
companies that practice dis-|;
crimination. Both the Mayor)
and Controller Abraham OD.)
Beame, concede the goal is)
laudables but they question
whether the proposal is admin-
istratively feasible.

The one steady hand at ue
tiller amid this uncertainty and
confusion seems to be that of
the Mayor. A first-generation
American, — Wagner identi-
fies with minorities both in
their problems and in their

Mayor Has Guided City

More than any individual, he},
has shaped the city’s approach |;
to civil rights gees whether it}.
was striking ation

volved. Many had to be content| t, ni
. outside!

: onstrations may
upport es

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