Box 17, Folder 14, Document 62

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tee members figd

Gov. George C. Wallace of Ala-

| bama declared Tuesday he would

make no effort to help enforce a
federal public accommodations
law nor would he encourage com-
pliance with it in his state.

“IT would just go ahead and he

| the governor of Alabama and let

the federal folks try to enforce
it.” Wallace told the Senate Com-
merece Committee.

In that connection the governor
restated his view it would take
an army of federal agents or
troops to enforce a law opening
restaurants, motels and theaters
and other places of business to
racial integration.

' Wallace returned to the com-
mittee to complete the fiery tes-
timony against President Ken-

nedy’s bill which he began Mon-

“MEANWHILE, Atty. Gen. Rob-
ert F. Kennedy's appearance he-
fore the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee on the President's over-
all civil rights program was de-
ferred until Wednesday. That
will be Robert Kennedy's third
round at the capitol in the civil
rights co eae undoubtedly the

toughest in vie the weight of
Southern me on the com-

After arriviny at the packed
hearing room, Kéhnedy was told

Bs O. Eastland,

tht as well re-
Ce Department
sof commit-

DMiss. that He
turn to his Justice
office since 4 HUA)

ments to make, —
Wastland is one of i
foes the whole administration
eivil rights package has on Capi-
tol Hill.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C.,

sald it would take him about an

hour to read his statement even
if he hurried through it.

‘Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., a
sponsor of the administration pro-
gram, said he would withdraw a

he intended to make, in
view of what he called urgency
of acting on the legislation.

HART SAID that in his judg-
ment the nation had come ‘‘closer
fo disaster in Birmingham than
Lin Cuba.”

Another supporter of the bill,
Sen, Edward V. Long, D-Mo., said
he Be ent

his statement in me
it ae ave

a noon, and ine an
to the fuilés is grant i
tees may divi sil after

Willaee’s declaration . would

nof help enforce a public ‘accom:
pmodati p_law came during an

fhe strongest |

P Spattausarenn that Ken- i
net ul ote fener ace a chance |

»Asserts He’
ishtS ‘Laws (\\¢

exchange with Hart, which even
got into the question of whether
Heaven will be segregated.

THE GOVERNOR had _ con-
cluded a lengthy friendly ques-
tioning by Sen. Strom Thurmond,
D-S.C., with the assertion that

he bore no hatred for Negroes
or anyone, that he believed in
God, and tried to follow religious

drastic and indefensible a pio |

posal as has ever been submitted
to this Congress.” i

Much of Ervin'serificism was
directed bis ‘hs pu lie” accommo-
dations, pry ch the
Comme Lg

as a separate )mipanare. Ervin
said it is ‘‘conderhné@ by its mani-

| fest unconstitutionality.”

Ervin also argued that liberty
is being destroyed in a drive for
equality and that “the rights of
all are being sacrificed for the
special rights of a few.”

Long, in the statement he put
in the record, contended on the
other hand that the proposed leg-

Hart, a member of both the | islation does not seek to create

Commerce and Judiciary com-
mittees, said that since Wallace
had introduced this “solemn note’’

into the proceedings, he would p

like to ask, “What you think
Heaven will be like, will it be


Wallace answered that ‘I don't
think any of us knows what
Heaven will be like.” He went
on to say “God made us all, he
made you and me white, and he
made others black. He segregated

Hart said he would not pursue
it further except to comment that
he presumed “‘We would all be
one family in heaven under one
loving Father.”

wiks shia ‘

AT THE‘ Jatiigiabe committee
hearing, Ti MWed each of
the sever fies adminis-
tration’s- and de-

nounced the Wren ekace as un-
constitutional, undesirable and un-

He called the legislation ‘‘as

any right that does not already

, ‘Asserting that, discriminatory
i a grave
danger f said

the civil rights bill “merely seeks
ways and means t ans 1p, pelp make the
guarantees of our Constitution, the
law of the land, a reality for all


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