Box 16, Folder 4, Document 5

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September 9, 1966

Honorable Ivan Allen Jr,
Mayor of Atlanta

City Hall

68 Mitchell Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Allen:

As Chairman of the Atlanta Federal Executive Board, which represents the
Federal Community, I want to commend you for the leadership displayed
during recent events in this city. Your ability to cope with difficult
problems has long been recognized. The action you took this week again
proves this point. Your foresight, understanding, and sincerity was the
major contributing factor which turned a potential disaster into a con-
trolled situation. The active participation by you indicated the courage
and personal conviction a true leader must possess. In a time like this,
few people have exhibited greater interest in assuring that the rights of
all are considered. Results of this attitude are reflected in the accept-
ance to change throughout the city of Atlanta.

The Atlanta Police Department also merits the highest recognition for its
excellent control of the outbreak. It proves that they ere well trained,
capable and responsible law enforcement officials. Please pass to them
our compliments for a job well done.

We in the Federal Executive Board stand ready to provide assistance now

or in the future. I know that both of us want Atlanta te be a true symbol
of freedom for all, where each man is a citizen with equal rights and

where he is given the opportunity to fulfill his community responsibilities.
Again, I commend you and pledge our support in moving Atlanta forward.

Sincerely yours,

W. J. Bookholt
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